Monday, October 25, 2010

first, i effing hate stupid blog layouts. it makes me feel like i'm 12 and this is myspace. just give me something simple. why is tumblr so much better in this department? blogger, you're insane.

and on that note, why am i so grumpy? why have my responses been so down trodden today? lame, jbones.

"you look gorgeous today."
but do i?
"how are you?"
ready for homework to be over.
"you should model."
that's dumb.
"here's a 50/50 on your test."
glad i didn't do so hot on the other one.
"you should blog more."
but should i?


yeah, i'm yelling at myself.

so now what's built up? what's blocking this view of perfection? what the hell is doing this to me?
1) depressing (but so beautiful) music playing in the background.
2) too many assignments at once.
3) cynicism. typical.
4) daydreams being interrupted by real life.
5) waking up early.
6) wasted efforts.
7) detachment.
8) separation.

ahh, i love how the list gets more vague as we move along...

1) music, where have you gone in my life? i truly feel like i'm missing a piece of my soul, or maybe a piece of my body. there isn't a single complete album right now that is tugging at my heart strings, begging to be played on repeat in my car or on baby mac, and because of that, i feel like my gall bladder is missing. something so small, but so vital. i don't want to die. give me my gall bladder back. someone, anyone, gently hand me the music that will encompass first semester sophomore year.

2) college makes me question my education. in a way that i want to quit. i've never wanted to quit in my life, but now, i do. rather than music, THIS is what is tugging at my scruples. scruples doesn't even fit in this context, but i'm going to pretend. i learned the word scruples when i was in the 6th grade. i miss 6th grade, for the simple fact that i wasn't so bitter. my fingers are literally itching at this moment because i can taste exactly how many of these sentences are not entirely grammatically correct, how many of them go against AP style. SCREW YOU, AP STYLEBOOK. i hate you. i hate you, but i'm starting to love you. and that makes me angry again, that i would start to crave a book of judgement that tells me everything i'm doing wrong. just let me blog, just let me make fragments without pulling at my conscious, screeching in my head to use correct punctuation, to capitalize, to spell out numbers between one and ten. no. no. no. watch this, J301:

hopefully i will get 7 lobsters to kiss my cheeks in california on tuesday evening at 5pm.

i know, i struggled to type that one, too...

3) see #2. and #1. and to top that off, i want to just erase the past. why does everything spin in circles when i'm ready to throw it out the window? i don't need it anymore, i don't need to relive the days, the minutes, the seconds that are imprinted in my memory regarding me getting hurt. i'm over it, already. so memories, bitterness, loneliness, heart break, why are you still there? don't be so selfish - happiness wants me now, let him have a turn. at least give him a shot. because believe it or not, he's the one i really want, the one that wants me. it's crazy how that works, right? sometimes things can go right. can't they?
oh, and this reminds me of #1. here's the deal,'re great, and i love you bringing me back to all of these times in my life, i like reminiscing. but do you really need to play taylor swifts' "christmases when you were mine"? come, on. i'm not 18 anymore, i'm not still in love with a boy that doesn't want me. proof: i might be in love with someone else.

4) it's frustrating when present day real-life interrupts my daydreams that are my future real-life. hence, #2.

5) self-explanitory.

6) here is when my self-pity culminates. i feel like i've put out a pretty valiant effort to ask someone to stay at KU. a valiant effort with completely rational reasonings. a valiant effort with monetary gifts. and yet it's like my words, my actions, my efforts don't even matter. i don't know many things, but i know that i am realistic. to an annoying extent. but no, instead, you're going to give me these stupid excuses so you can move home to a boy? i am simply offended, and feel used. why did i even care to begin with? i just want people to grow up.
that's a selfish thing to ask. no one should ever have to grow up faster than they want to.

7) i want to be more involved in people's lives that i should be involved in. confusing, but listen...sometimes it's difficult for me to produce a yearning to put out an effort to be around, to say hello, to spend time with someone when i know that it would never be returned. you can complain that i am not here, and that when i am, i am just detached...but you would never do anything to change that. ahh, it comes back to me resisting...people.

but can i tell you something before all of your judgment settles in? i have so much love to give, i really do. so much sometimes i feel like i'm about to burst. i can't explain it, but i want to love someone, i want to love something, and i DO, for the first time in a while, i DO love someone. i've always loved my family, and i love my best friends (which we'll get to in #8), but now i love someone outside of them. but i also want to love a kitty. and my kids at BGC. and a new friend.

8) best friends, why can't we just be together? megan, come home. kellie, come to me. emily, don't let us drift apart.
i daydream about us living in one place and spontaneously having adventures and late night talks every day. i miss all of you. so much it hurts.

the self-pity is over. i'm annoyed with myself.

i'm sorry, please forgive me.
believe me if you would.


emily.ruth said...

first, this will be in response to both of your latest entries.

second, i will always be your bff and i will never drift apart. (we've had this conversation before, silly! the second "f" stands for forever.) the only reason we are far apart right now is because we are physically far apart. it is hard to hang when you are 3 1/2 hours down the road.
every time jarred mentions trying to find other friends, i tell him that i just don't know if we'll be able to find any one that will fit with me. i have a best friend and i just can't imagine anyone else comparing.

third, i am not the expert on love. although i am a married woman and i know what love most definitely is, i'm not always the best with advice.
but i do know what god says about love.
he says that love is patient, and i think that means you wait for his timing. so yes, you may be scared and hesitant, but prayer can reveal where you are supposed to go from here.
he says that love keeps no record of wrongs, and i think that means you have to let the past go. even if you don't still romantically love a person, you still love them with the love of the lord. and, just like i tell my kindergartners, you are only in charge of yourself. life would be a lot more difficult if you had to change everyone around you. forgive and forget, and let your heart truly and freely love again.
god says that love never fails. i know that doesn't mean people never make mistakes or reach failure. but god promises that his love will never let you down. and thats where you have to separate yourself from your personal, flesh-like desires. not that you put up a wall, but that you realize people are people. no matter what, though, at the end of the day, god is there loving you still. and keeping true to his plans for you to prosper.
and finally, god says that love is the greatest of all. thats why we're here on earth. jesus loved us enough to die for us. god loved us enough to let us stay here on earth. and we should not only love others in the same way, but love ourselves. god created each of us in his image, and although we fail each other and ourselves, we are his children. and, remember what we taught the kids in bible school? we are amazing because we are children of god.

last, i love you and miss you. and i am always a phone call away.

p.s. fall in love with the AP stylebook, but know that it doesn't apply to everything. for instance, online blogs. the internet has created a whole world that Associated Press has not even begun to address. :)

emily.ruth said...

oh, and p.p.s. please don't use bad words.